Three greedy friends and Jesus (pbuh)
An incident in the time of Hazrat Isa (a). One day three friends were walking somewhere far away together. They were quite evil in nature. As they walked, they came to a halt. Their eyes fell on an object like a pind on the road. The pind was glistening in the sunlight. The three friends became quite curious for this. They were surprised to come to the pind. A. That gold nugget. So who else sees them happy! The three friends got a shiny gold pin in their hands and danced.
The three friends were very greedy. So after getting the gold medal, all three of them started making mischief in their minds. All of them were plotting to embezzle the gold nugget alone. However, no one expressed his secret desire to anyone. The three friends started walking in front. At one point they got tired of walking a long way. They were already very hungry.
One of them said, 'Brother. And you can't walk. The hungry stomach is rumbling. Wait a minute, I'll take some water in my stomach. '
Then the two friends said to each other, ‘You are right brother. Our stomachs are burning with hunger. All right, you sit here. Keep the gold nugget as close to you as possible. The two of us look for food instead. I hope I can get food somewhere near the bank. '
Saying this, the two friends came out. They walked a long way. Walking a short distance, they found a market. They were buying food there and plotting to get gold coins themselves. One said, ‘Come on, we don’t mix poison in the food. I will go back and tell my friend, we have eaten. You eat this food, friend. Anyone who does not eat food mixed with poison will die immediately. Then we will divide the precious gold ball equally between the two of us. '
That's the trick. They returned to their friend with poisoned food. The third friend was also thinking the same thing for so long. He was also thinking about how to handle the gold pin. In the midst of his friends' return, he devised a plan. He plotted to kill both of his friends.
By then the friends had returned with food. Then they said, ‘Hey friend, it’s too late. Isn't it very hard to be hungry? I brought hot food. This is not pudding bread. Take it, eat it with full stomach. '
Just before the friends finished talking, the third friend pulled a poisonous knife out of his pocket. Before he knew it, he was stabbing his friends in the stomach. He stabbed his friends with a poisonous knife. They both fell to the ground and began to squirm. Two friends died instantly.
This time the third friend burst out laughing. Ah! What a pure gold, he began to kiss the gold pind. Meanwhile, his stomach was burning with hunger. Friends brought food. So he ate the pudding brought by his friends. It was not too late to eat bread, it was not too late for food poisoning to attack his body. In an instant his whole body turned blue with the onslaught of poison. His body fell to the ground. He died shortly after. The frozen body of the third friend also lay beside the dead friends. And the gold nugget also fell next to the dead body.
Jesus (pbuh) was walking somewhere along that path. Three corpses and gold nuggets fell in his eyes. Hazrat Isa (a) was surprised to see the incident. He sighed when he saw the trunks of the people. This time he said to his companions,
‘You see, the tragic consequences of greed? Three greedy people are dead. It is very sad to see their greed. But the gold pieces did not belong to any of them. Aren't they miserable? '
There is sin in greed and death in sin.
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